Vasectomy Reversal: What Exactly Does That Mean?
A vasectomy prevents sperm from reaching semen ejaculated from the penis by preventing them from reaching it. There is still semen, but there is no sperm in it. Testes continue to produce sperm even after a vasectomy, but those sperm are eliminated. More than half a million American males have a vasectomy annually as a method of contraception. A vasectomy is the most effective technique of birth control available, second only to abstinence. In the year following a vasectomy, only 1-2 women per 1,000 will conceive.
Reversing a vasectomy restores the sperm’s passageway to the sperm. Most of the time, the severed vas is reconnected at its ends. The epididymis can fuse with the vas in certain people. A specialized microscope is used for these operations (“microsurgery”). As soon as the tubes are linked, sperm may once again travel into the urethra.
A vasectomy can be reversed for a variety of reasons. After a divorce or heartbreak, you may decide to remarry. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one and wish to create a new family.
The first step is to schedule a comprehensive consultation and get a vasectomy in Brooklyn, New York.
Under What Conditions Does This Occur?
The two testicles of a man are responsible for producing both sperm and a variety of sex hormones (testicles). Located in the scrotum, near the end of the penis, are the organs known as the testes. A coiled tube (the “epididymis”) carries sperm from the testes to a holding area until they are ready to fertilize an egg. The epididymis and the prostate are connected by the vas deferens, long tubes (or “vas”). In humans, the vas descends from the scrotum into the inguinal canal. After passing behind the bladder, it enters the pelvis. The ejaculatory duct is formed at the junction of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicle. By combining sperm with seminal fluid and seminal vesicles, ejaculation produces semen. The sperm travels down the urethra and exits the penis.
A urologist may do a reversal at any time. Regressions may be performed at a surgery center or the outpatient department of a hospital. When a microscope is used in surgery, you will be put to sleep for the procedure. You’ll discuss your options with both your urologist and your anesthesiologist.
When performing this operation, microsurgery is essential. During your procedure, a high-powered microscope will be utilized to magnify the tiny tubes by a factor of five to forty. Your urologist can sew the vas together with thinner sutures than an eyelash or a hair.