How Long Should Spousal Support Last?
Spousal support arrangements are designed to provide financial assistance to spouses who need assistance during their relationship with a common-law partner. Financial assistance can include salary, housing, education, and other expenses. State and territory laws may provide other support resources, such as child support, parenting time, and child custody. A Tacoma Divorce Attorney can help you guide through a spousal support plan.
How long should spousal support last?
Various factors determine whether spousal support is appropriate, including the spouses’ income, the circumstances of the Marriage, and the needs of the spouses. Often, spousal support is determined based on the spouses’ incomes and needs. In some cases, spousal support may be awarded if one spouse has deserted their spouse.
Certain decisions about spousal support can be difficult. For example, how much support should a spouse receive based on their level of marital income? It is important to remember that spousal support is a legal and financial support system that is not limited to a specific income level or situation. In order to receive spousal support, both spouses must meet Merit-Based Support guidelines.
Merit-Based Support is a program that awards support based on the spouse’s actions. Merit-Based Support is designed to help struggling spouses stay afloat financially. Federal laws require that spouses have an equal financial contribution to Merit-Based Support. This means the system does not always help the spouse who makes more money.
How long should someone pay alimony?
The answer to this question is that it depends on the circumstances of each case. The court will consider the marriage length, the age and health of the parties, the earning capacity of each party, and other factors when deciding about alimony.
Factors That Influence the Length of Spousal Support
A variety of factors determines the length of spousal support. The court will consider the following:
- The earning capacity of both parties.
- The age and health of both parties.
- The length of the marriage.
- Whether one spouse helped the other acquire property or income during the marriage. For example, if one spouse left their career to raise children or help the other spouse advance in their career.
- The contribution each party made to the marriage, including career building, child care, homemaking, education, and for the other spouse.
- The ability of each party to pay spousal support.
- The financial needs and obligations of each party.
- The standard of living during the marriage.
- Suppose any special circumstances would make it difficult for one spouse to obtain employment. For example, if one spouse has a disability or is caring for young children.