Common sexual harassment types a lawyer can help you deal with – Charlotte
Sexual harassment is not okay and is a serious issue that requires appropriate action. Sexual harassment, be in public, at work, or anywhere else, doesn’t have to be put up with. If you face sexual harassment, regardless of gender, go to the Charlotte harassment lawyers.They specifically deal with such cases and can be a great asset to your lawsuit. The chances of a successful claim are better if you file it as soon as the incident occurs. Let us look at the common types of a sexual harassment cases that a lawyer can help with.
Verbal Sexual Harassment: Verbal sexual harassment implies passing sexual remarks to a person who is a non-interested recipient. You are a victim of sexual harassment if you feel uncomfortable by anyone’s explicit comment. Some examples are:
- Expressing sexual contact desire
- Asking for sexual favors
- Usage of explicit language
- Cracking offensive sexual jokes
- Speaking with a sexual tonality
In general, not every sexually-charged comment can be considered sexual harassment, and the perpetrator’s intention can make a difference in some cases. However, the doer can easily cross a differentiation line, and those who feel that they have been victimized by verbal sexual harassment should seek legal advice right away.
Non-Verbal Sexual Harassment: Non-verbal sexual harassment is a form of harassment that is neither total verbal nor physical; it lies in between. It includes sending texts, emails, or pictures of explicit sexual content or any act as below:
- Winking or blowing kisses
- Blocking doorway or halfway
- Exposing oneself
- Stalking, following or staring
- Showing explicit videos
In this case, too, a single act cannot define if it was harassment. However, the circumstances in which the assaulter did the act play an essential role in deciding the nature. If there is any witness, or you have any proof, make sure to discuss it with your lawyer.
Unwanted physical contact: Depending on the severity of the experience, unwanted physical, sexual contact is pure sexual harassment or sexual assault. Here are a few examples of physical contact that can account for sexual harassment or distinguish between sexual harassment and sexual assault:
- Grabbing, rubbing, pinching, or patting
- Hugging/kissing
- Unwanted touch in any form
You have all the rights to your sovereignty. It is against the law to legally force you to submit to unwanted physical, sexual contact in exchange for employment or other consideration.
Sexual harassment at the workplace: Cases of sexual harassment at the workplace includes physical contact, verbal and non-verbal harassment, etc. Employers are held liable for two categories of sexual harassment by their employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 1964.
- Quid pro quo- Quid pro quo means ‘favor for a favor, or ‘this for that. This harassment involves a superior in power to take sexual advances from a junior in exchange for a job, promotion, pay raise, etc.
- Hostile work environment- A hostile work environment is created when a supervisor, manager, or co-worker’s conduct and actions negatively or severely impact another employee’s job performance. Anyone can be a perpetrator here, a co-worker, boss, manager, client, etc.